Hello Friend,
In March 2017, I went to Bihar on assignment for an NGO. Looking at these images, my mind remembers seeing more bovines there than humans. No
really. And about the fertile land. Hard working farmers.. But also the idiosyncratic nature of the landscape seemingly seeping into the hearts of some. Pictures of helplessness turned into transformed lives but also pain and futility beyond comprehension. Here’s presenting a three part blog post with my images form the trip. For a complete video slideshow please see the video embedded at the top of this post.
On the tech front, my Fujifilm system has been an excellent companion. The fast AF and form factor of the X-Pro 2 and 23mm f2 (which was used for all the images in this series) has been steadily gelling well with my style of work. I’m in my early 30s but I’m already in a state where bulk and weight play a huge factor in my tech desisions. Sure, I can train myself to carry around a pro grade DSLR but why would I? I often feel documentary and street photographers who who started their photographic journey with digital imaging only, carry a baggage they don’t know or didn’t sign up for. More on that later… For now, here’s Bihar

Catch Part 2 from this series HERE