Humans though smart enough to invent this computer I’m typing on, are not invincible. On the contrary, they’re fragile. Very fragile. We are seeing how a virus has the power to literally and figuratively, put us in our place! On March 25th, India followed many other countries in starting a strict lockdown. Curfews, Washing hands, Sanitizer, Social Distancing… These are some of the keywords of the times. These are circumstances that is teaching people like me to to get back to the basics and reset from what was eating into my identity and pulling me apart from what is actually valuable. The simple things of life. Reading, writing, making art, spending more time with my wife, spending less or no time on social media and random internet nonsense. Over forty days and forty collages, these newspaper and magazine clippings came alive during the time I played around with them after dinner on our dining table. It became a ritual of sorts which helped me navigate these unique days. Some of these pieces echo about our times, some yearn to highlight history, while others reminded me of the hope of the resurrection. Here is a selection of 17 collages that broke the lockdown for me.

Title: Harriet’s Star
Growing up in India, my wife and I had never heard of Harriet Tubman until now. This work is a dedication to her and her ‘North Star’ who guided her and who guides us.

Title: No Love for you
There was a call but it’s void of love

Title: An appetite for red herrings
Through readings and conversations in the last few days, the severity of this pandemic exposes and warns us about one thing clearly through Huxely’s words from decades ago: We have “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.”

Title: Captives in the Charade of Ceremony
From motivation to mysticism to bondage

Title: Catechism of confinement
This is a time to ask questions.
The economy bleeds.
Can our provisions be greater than our questions?
Stop. Ask questions.
A catecism of sorts.
A catechism at the cross.
Questions at confinement.
And a confinement of questions.
Stop. Ask questions.
We need help. Ask questions.

Title: Departure from normal
Inspired by Makoto Fujimura’s interview with thr Art and Faith Conversations Podcast where he says he’s liking this new normal.

Title: Hold on and I’ll find you
“Just fight a little longer, my friend
It’s all worth it in the end
But when you got nobody to turn to
Just hold on and I’ll find you” ~ Lecrae

Title: Arimathea
In honour of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
From a devotional I read today by Robert Meek ‘Little did Joseph imagine, when he constructed this tomb for himself, that it was destined to be honored as the resting-place, for a short time, of the body of him who is “the resurrection and the life!”

Title: Take us back to the future
For Easter Sunday. Take us to the garden, where you birthed the future.

Title: A dance with longing

Title: Cradle the Counter-narrative
Often it’s necessary to let the counter narrative frame our day

Title: Memorial

Title: Absurdly Positive
Are You? Maybe you should be

Title: Exodus
Happiness in Egypt

Title: But Vapour

Title: Under The Sun

Title: Mere appearances
“But from those who were of high reputation.. contributed nothing to me. A dream without substance
If you are interested in purchasing any of these collages or a signed print, please let me know.